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MOOZEUM, publication
Consultant: Zoltán Zeman @zemanzoltan
Made at Media & Design Instotute, Eger, Hungary @media_design_eger
I have created a publication for my thesis that showcases the rural museums and collections found in Hungary. One of my key considerations was to feature only domestic venues, regardless of their theme, located outside the capital city of Budapest and its surroundings, in rural areas, county seats, and other settlements. The aim was to present collections and exhibitions that are not only unique in themselves but also considered rarities or curiosities in Hungarian culture and tourism.

My publication features a list of 24 Hungarian museums and/or collections, which was preceded by one month of research. The museums included are as follows:
Atomenergetikai Múzeum, Paks
Bakamúzeum, Szekszárd
Boltmúzeum, Békéscsaba
Bozsó Gyűjtemény - Hanga Óragyűjtemény, Kecskemét
Busóudvar, Mohács
Dr. Batthyány-Strattmann László Múzeum - Cipőgyűjtemény, Körmend
Egri Roads BEATLES Múzeum
EmlékPont - Fél Évszázad Emlékparkja, Hódmezővásárhely
Képeslap Múzeum, Szerencs
Légoltalmi Múzeum, Sopron
Leskowsky Hangszergyűjtemény és Alapítvány, Kecskemét
Magnómúzeum, Terény
Míves Tojás Gyűjtemény, Zengővárkony
Népek-háza Babamúzeum, Csongrád
Óvodamúzeum, Martonvásár
Ősi Magyar Címertár, Golop
Pannónia Motorkerékpár Múzeum,Balassagyarmat
Papírmalom Múzeum, Szinpetri
RepTár Repülőmúzeum, Szolnok
Színháztörténeti és Színészmúzeum, Miskolc
Szórakaténusz Játékmúzeum és Műhely, Kecskemét
Teletár, Miskolc
Vasfüggöny Múzeum, Felsőcsatár
Vasúti Almárium, Szolnok

It was important for me to use a contemporary approach in presenting the museums and collections that would capture the attention of young people. Therefore, I created illustrations for the publication by hand in digital format, completely omitting the use of black color. Instead of simply replicating familiar images, I introduced the readers to the world of MOOZEUM through the eyes of two fictional characters, offering a unique perspective.

I created both offline and online products for MOOZEUM, including postcards, t-shirts, stickers, canvas bags, a map, and an online store. Additionally, I designed and set up an exhibition space and installation within the local Kepes Institute in Eger, where visitors can view my work.

